Create BadiRate setup table and corresponding scripts for PBS job arrays
prepare_badirate(og_path, tree, branch_models = c(gr = "GR", fr = "FR", sp = "15->16"), rate_model = "GD", estimation = "ML", out_dir = "./raw_outputs", script_dir = "./scripts", replicates = 2, ancestral = TRUE, outlier = TRUE, seed = 20180808, start_value = 1, pbs_q = "smps", badirate_path = "", create_scripts = "pbs")
og_path | Path to single-file orthogroup folder, created with `split_orthogroups()` |
tree | Path to ultrametric species tree file. Leaf names have to match to orthogroup header names. |
branch_models | Vector of named branch models. Name should be a 2-letter abbreviation of choice (except gr and fr, which are specific). Value should be either "GR", "FR" or a specific branch model in the syntax of badirate (e.g. "13->14:13->15_18->21"). *CAUTION: More complex models can increase running time drastically.* |
rate_model | Rate model. Deafult is GD. |
estimation | Estimation method used for BadiRate. Default is ML. |
out_dir | Output directory for the future runs. |
script_dir | Directory which the script files should be saved. |
replicates | How many replications per model. Default is 2. *CAUTION: Big number of replicates can drastically extend runtime* |
ancestral | Logical. See BadiRate -anc option. |
outlier | Logical. See BadiRate -outlier option. |
seed | Initial seed value to set. |
start_value | 0 or 1. 0 will start parameter search from Maximum Parsimony, 1 will choose a random number. |
pbs_q | Queue of PBS. Default is smps. |
badirate_path | Path to executabe if not in $PATH. |
create_scripts | Logical. Create pbs job scripts if TRUE, which is the default. |
Set up table of experimetns. Also writes out script files.